Category: abstract paintings
Untitled ( Finestra blu, Blue Window )
I sat down at a local eatery and had in front of me this view behind two unoccupied tables. Perhaps it was the mundane quality of it, instead of the more important vase of flowers on top of the tables for instance. I created the sketch on location and at the time I knew I…
“Bottles”, 1977: Best Painting Currently On View At The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego
Bottles, 1977 There is a variety of cool art currently on display at the Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla in San Diego. But as far as pushing paint on the surface of a canvas, nothing comes near this painting by Philip Guston ( 1913 – 1980 ). And don’t get me wrong, a few…
Wabi-Sabi And How To Finish A “Non-Objective” Painting
I was reading the book Wabi-Sabi – The Japanese Art of Impermanence – Understanding the Zen Philosophy of Beauty in Simplicity while working on this painting. “Wabi sabi embodies the Zen nihilist cosmic view and seeks beauty in the imperfections found as all things, in a constant state of flux,…” At first I did not…
The Drawing Paintings: From The Digital To The Analog…
According to Augusto, he was doodling with a vector program, and the process revealed the starting point for the drawing paintings. “I was trying to make brushes, which I’d use to eventually draw with the brush tool…” The first building block, the striped square in the image above. After many different trials, Augusto decided on…
All in A Day’s Work, A Painter’s Abstract World
Studio, Claremont, CA – 2014 Everything was happening at the same time. Sometimes paintings were made with tape exclusively, with reclaimed materials, or just paint. Additional bodies of work sprouted from the works in this picture. No cookie-cutter template, or imposed consistency on the production of each piece. Non-Objective painting or Non-Objective abstraction is what…